How to Change an Angle Grinder Wheel
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How to Change an Angle Grinder Wheel

Jul 13, 2023

We show you several ways of how to change an angle grinder wheel. You can do this in any number of ways—even if you’ve lost your spanner wrench. Don’t worry, all hope is not lost!

Note: Want to see a video of how to change an angle grinder wheel using these same methods? Check out our YouTube tutorial!

What you need:

Here’s how to change a grinder wheel with a spanner wrench:

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Sometimes you misplace your spanner wrench – it happens a lot unless the wrench stores on the tool the way Skil’s PWRCore 20 angle grinder does.

What you need:

Here’s how to change an angle grinder wheel without a spanner wrench:

This method works, but there are a couple of considerations. First, I’m not as confident in tightening the wheel by hand, so I always use a spanner wrench to make sure it’s tight enough.

Second, thin abrasive cutting wheels are more prone to breaking or weakening with this method, so we don’t recommend you try it with those. You could inadvertently create a situation where your cutting wheel fails with dangerous consequences.

Many Pros do another take on this by running the wheel against concrete to loosen it rather than by hand. Either way works and carries the same warnings. I personally find loosening by hand easier.

My favorite way to replace an angle grinder wheel involves switching out the stock flange with a Hilti Kwik-Lock flange. We originally used on Hilti’s 36V grinder and find it an excellent upgrade for any model that has the same 5/8-inch arbor.

The genius of it is a design that allows you to hand thread and tighten/loosen with just your bare hand. It’s perfectly secure and super-simple.

In the event your grinder wheel helps tighten it down too much, two holes let you get a spanner wrench in to work it back off.

Here’s what you need:

Here’s the easiest way to change an angle grinder wheel:

The downside is that these flanges cost a little more than $50 each. That might be too steep for a DIYer. Having a couple of these on hand for Pros that use grinders often can make life easier, though.

Note:What you need: What you need: Here’s what you need: